Medical Construction & Design

JAN-FEB 2014

Medical Construction & Design (MCD) is the industry's leading source for news and information and reaches all disciplines involved in the healthcare construction and design process.

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WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE 727$/ :$// 3527(&7,21 6<67(0 &'852%$6( 3/$6 7(;Æ, '852/8; 3HUIRUPDQFH SURYHQ GpFRU DOWHUQDWLYHV IRU KHDOWKFDUH IDFLOLWLHV Ñ Sanitary Ñ /RZ 0DLQWHQDQFH :DWHUSURRI Ñ Ñ 0ROG 0LOGHZ 5HVLVWDQW Ñ Durable LINKED-IN MCD MEDICAL CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN THE SOURCE FOR CURRENT NEWS, TECHNOLOGY & METHODS DuroBase - Available in several DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ SOHDVLQJ FRORUV %DVH PROGLQJ VL]HV IURP LQFKHV KLJK &KDLU; UDLO DQG FRUQHU JXDUGV DOVR DYDLODEOH 'XUR/X[ 6WRQH 3DQHOV IHDWXUH D XQLTXH VWRQH ILOOHG WKUHH GLPHQVLRQDO JUDQLWH DSSHDUDQFH $YDLODEOH LQ PXOWLSOH FRORUV TM Parkland Plastics, Inc. P.O. Box 339, 104 Yoder Drive, Middlebury, IN 46540 7ROO )UHH á 3KRQH á ZZZ SDUNODQGSODVWLFV FRP PRODUCT CERTIFIED FOR LOW CHEMICAL EMISSIONS: UL.COM/GG UL 2818 C =c The tec What's Your Legacy? Flooring toxicity, and the choices they will remember you by Isn't it time for a change? There are many great reasons to choose MCT tile fooring including the fact it costs less to own from Day One. But the days, years, and decades to come are where MCT truly excels. MCT is 100% BioBased, naturally antimicrobial, allergen and plasticizer free, biodegradable and compostable, without the toxicity or disposal challenges of PVC-based products. Today, you'll win design awards with MCT. Tomorrow, your rewards will be even more gratifying. RA E FO TIM READ OU LICK TO C GE AN CH To learn more, visit creating better environments . Box 4636, Scottsdale, AZ 85261 ECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED with

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